
Insights for 网站s, Digital Marketing, and Software

欢迎来到立博客户端app下载博客. The purpose of this collection is to share our team's domain expertise with you to help you make the best website, 数字营销, 以及组织的软件决策. We have decades of experience working with 协会, 商会, 经济发展组织, jcc, 立博官网手机版app下载, 和非营利组织. Our blog is regularly updated to featured new content to keep you and your organization at the forefront of technology. Because let's face it: The internet is the fastest growing industry ever known to mankind. It has completely changed the way that we all run our businesses and organizations, 没有回头路了. With that being said, it is essential to adapt to this rapidly changing environment. While the internet has made our operations processes easier, the web is still a complex being that requires guidance, 知识, 和专业知识. That is where we at 立博客户端app下载 come in to help guide the way. 




  • 每周训练的重要性

    Does your Content Management System provider offer weekly training to keep you and your clients up to date on the latest developments and features? 医生们阅读最新的医学杂志, 股票经纪人紧跟市场最新行情, and so should you be keeping up with your CMS.

  • 在Facebook上做广告

    Facebook Advertisments are a great way to increase traffic to your site, 测试产品创意或服务, 收集关于目标市场的反馈. If you have 10 minutes and a modest budget, you can create a Facebook Ad.

    For those of you who have experience with pay per click advertising and online marketing, you will appreciate the simplicity of creating a Facebook Ad, 你可以用三个简单的步骤来做吗.

  • 在线投票如何增加流量

    Most businesses use their websites as one-way communication tools by only publishing information about their businesses. While this is great to inform people of the products and services you offer, it doesn’t engage them. Establishing a dialogue between your business and your clients is a great way to get interactivity from people and understand what your customers are interested in. 在线民意调查 有一种方法可以创造这种对话吗, engage visitors in two-way communication and increase traffic to your website.

  • 什么是人类可读的url?

    Ever tried to email someone a URL that stretches into hundreds of characters? Not only is it annoying for you and that person, but it diminishes the chances of that person actually visiting the site. 没有人喜欢长url. In fact, people dislike long URLs so much there are 数以百计的服务 whose sole purpose is to shorten URLs and make them legible and easier for people to understand.

  • 基于云的CMS扩展业务

    作为一个网络解决方案提供商, 选择CMS for your business is an important task that can make or break your projects. 虽然有很多选择, it makes a lot of sense to settle on a single platform for your projects so that your systems can be repeatable. You don’t want to re-invent the wheel each time by learning a new system.

    那么,合适的CMS如何扩展您的业务? Let’s look at two made-up companies as examples: Digital Web and Superior Web.

  • 为什么一个免费的CMS花费这么多?

    A successful business needs to not only have an active online presence, but an easy way to manage and organize their data, 推广他们的品牌, 捕获的前景, 整合信息. With the right Content Management System (CMS), this is an easy task.

    Often times, what happens is people choose free solutions because “the price is right”. Unfortunately, businesses realize too late that as they are growing and expanding, their CMS is not. This leads to third party applications and plug ins, and soon information is scattered across several platforms with no chance of integration.

  • 选择合适的CMS的10个技巧

    A Content Management System (CMS) is a powerful tool that can help streamline your business. It can transform a business from chaotic and unorganized to productive and robust.

    Hundreds of Content Management Systems exist today, so choosing the right one can be a daunting task. There are many qualities to look for in a Content Management System. 下面是一些比较重要的.

  • 有一个应用程序.... 哦,对了,我不能这么说

    The term 'mobile' and 'mobile app' gets thrown around a lot these days. 但这到底是什么意思呢? 我需要一个移动应用程序吗? 我的网站对移动设备友好吗? 什么是响应式网站? 它和手机网站一样吗? 什么是响应式设计?

  • 学骑自行车

    记住骑自行车的学习过程? It took a lot of practice, and a lot of mistakes, before one day everything just clicked. Now, looking back, you’ll never have to re-learn how to ride – it will always be a part of you. Wouldn’t it be nice if learning complicated skill sets were the same way? In many ways, they are – you can learn them once, and never have to re-learn them again. One company that does a great job of reinforcement learning is Apple. 立博客户端app下载 is now taking the same approach that Apple has been for years: short, 教育培训视频. Our training video library is constantly growing, 这些视频会对你有所帮助, 作为一个网站提供商, learn all the tips and tricks inherent to a Freedom website installation. 如果你还没看过的话, some of the newest training videos include Photoshop to Freedom, 显示类型, 和样式表.